Rep. Brendan Boyle honors fallen Temple police officer

 Congressman Brendan Boyle who represents Northeastern Philadelphia, including Temple University, convinced the U.S. House to honor Sgt. Christopher Fitzgerald, the Temple University police officer who was killed in the line of duty in 2023. 

 A bill led by Congressman Boyle would rename the US post office on Bustleton Avenue in Philadelphia in honor of Sgt. Christopher Fitzgerald. The bill passed the House and now heads to the Senate. 

“I am pleased that my bill to honor Sergeant Fitzgerald has passed out of the House with such broad bipartisan support”, said Congressman Boyle. "Renaming this post office in the city he called “home” is the least we can do to recognize his bravery, courage, and sacrifice. It is a symbol of our enduring gratitude for his commitment to the mission of protecting the Temple community and our city. His actions exemplified unwavering dedication to his community. I encourage the Senate to quickly pass this bill and send it to President Biden for his signature."

Sergeant Fitzgerald, a Temple University Police Officer who resided in Congressman Boyle’s district, was tragically killed in the line of duty in February of 2023. Fitzgerald was the first Temple University officer to be killed in the line of duty. He joined the university’s police force in October 2021. Sergeant Fitzgerald is survived by his wife Marissa and four children.


Link coverage by ABC6, Philadelphia television:


Link to the Congressman’s remarks on the floor of the U.S. House:


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